System Engineering
Cabin comfort depends on a complex interaction of vehicle design, environmental factors and the operation of all the components and sub-systems that go into the overall thermal management system. Air International uses every available tool to make sure every component works well on its own, and within the system.
Benchmarking Discipline
Air International uses highly disciplined benchmarking process to design its HVAC and PTC systems. It starts with an analysis of consumer perceptions of comfort, then continues that analysis of data from each level: full systems, subassemblies and components. By breaking down systems thoroughly, Air International's design teams can identify the key attributes needed for optimal performance and customer satisfaction. Using those attributes as benchmarks, Air International can engineer high-value designs for every vehicle application.
Design Robustness thru Design Verification
- Understand the (VOC) Voice of Customer demands/Functions .
- Benchmark "Best in Class" Designs. Develop Mathematical Relationships and define our new measurables.
- Conduct Design Robustness Verification Audits.
- Continuously update knowledge base with lessons learned.
- Communicate knowledge gains throughout the company.